May I remember to stop and listen for Your voice calling to me, from heavenly paths on high.
Oh Heavenly Mother, let it be.
With intent may I tune my ears to Your instruction and be steadied by the understanding in Your voice.
With discipline may I train my mind to easily recieve Your wisdom, as I pass through country gates; enter a city; or in through any door.
With prudence may I value Your instruction more than silver and the gift of your knowledge than fine gold.
May I trust the counsel You keep and offer to me; enlightened by Your knowledge; and enobled by Your strength.
May I be open to Your knowledge and understanding of worldly affairs, including witty and innovative inventions that bring laughter and joy to our lives.
May I appreciate that Your wisdom is better than rubies and cannot be compared with anything else that I may desire.
You who dwells in prudence, with regard for all that is in my self-interest.
Your fruit is better than fine gold and the revenue of your labour much better than choice silver.
May I recieve Your lasting riches of honour and righteousness.
May I remember to stop and hear Your voice calling to me, from heavenly paths on high.
Oh Heavenly Mother let it be.
With longing may I tune my ears to recognise the wisdom and understanding in Your voice.
Each day You lead and instruct me in the way of doing what’s right, no matter how harshly this means I may be judged.
With discipline may I train my mind to always listen for Your voice, for loving You gives my character substance, and my life true wealth.
King Solomon gave testimony that You –who he called by Your name Wisdom– were with Our Heavenly Father when He made the world,
That it was only You who knew Our Heavenly Father's works, what was right in His Commandments and acceptable in His Sight.
You were brought forth from everlasting before the world was made, together with Our Heavenly Father, before He did all of His great works.
You were brought forth before the depths and fountains abounding with water.
You were brought forth before the mountains were settled and before the hills were formed.
When our Heavenly Father appointed the foundations of the earth and decreed the sea not to pass the limits of his command, You were by his side.
Like those who have been companions since childhood, You were by his side.
Both daily delighting and rejoicing in each other’s presence, You were by his side.
You were there before our Heavenly Father made the earth and fields or the highest parts of the world.
You were there when He prepared the heavens, and set a compass on the face of the depths:
You were there when He established the clouds above and strengthened the fountains of the deep:
Together you made the earth habitable. Rejoicing in the delight this caused the sons and daughters of men.
Much later when men slandered You and had forgotten Your names, You remained united in love.
United in love You both remained, even when–for centuries–Your love has been disavowed.
May it be that the sons and daughters of men open their hearts once again to Your Spirit of Wisdom and Life.
May it be that once again they come to know Your Names and experience the healing grace of their Heavenly Parent’s Love.
May it be that the sons and daughters of men will know, once more, that we are only blessed for keeping Your ways.
Oh Heavenly Mother, let it be.
Help me remember to always listen for Your instruction, and know that wisdom can only be found in never resisting your advice,
or putting aside what Your Spirit has told me is right.
Help me remember to daily stand listening and watching at the posts of Your doors and gates.
Help me remember that only in loving you can I obtain my Heavenly Father's favour.
So He may protect us, and serve justice on our enemies; those who sin against You, and by doing so do wrong to their own souls.
For those that hate You hate life and only worship death, and only in loving you do we find the true love and worship of life.
As Solomon prayed in the days of old, so I pray to Our Heavenly Father now:
“O Heavenly Father send us Our Heavenly Mother out of Your Holy Heavens, that she might labour with me. For She knows and understands all things, and will lead us soberly in our doings, preserving us in Her Power.
Please Father send me Her Spirit of Wisdom, that my work each day may be pleasing and acceptable to you.
Please Father send me Her Spirit of Wisdom, to lead me soberly in my tasks:
That I might remember we all are Your Children and judge people righteously.
Please Father send me Her Spirit of Wisdom, preserving me in Her power:
That I may be worthy to play the role of father or mother, if that responsibility is passed on to me.
For what human can know Your counsel or will?
For the thoughts of men and women are miserable, and our plans uncertain at best.
Our bodies are corruptible and a burden on our soul,
and our earthly affairs weigh down on our mind, causing us to ruminate on many unhelpful things.
So that seldom can we guess what is right, except through hard labour and trial and error.
Who on earth can search out the counsel and higher knowledge that is in heaven?
None except that You gift us with Wisdom, our Heavenly Mother, sending Her Holy Spirit to us from above.
This, the only way our earthly lives might be reformed.
O Father gift us Wisdom –our Heavenly Mother– sending Her Holy Spirit to us from above, that men might desist from error in their cults of death, and the works of their hands might cease pulling destruction down on us all.
O Father gift us Our heavenly Mother, sending Her Holy Spirit to us from above, That we might learn what is pleasing to You and through Wisdom we might be saved.
O Father gift us Wisdom –Our Heavenly Mother– sending Her Holy Spirit to us from above, that men might desist from their cults of death, and cease pulling destruction down on us all.
For You did not make death: and You do not find pleasure in the destruction of the living.
For You created all things, that they might have their being: and that the generations of the world might be healthful; with no poison of destruction in them, and death hold no dominion on the earth:
for righteousness is immortal and Your Holy Union our strength.
William Deaver - Did God have a wife?
Thank you, Kim for Mothers prayer! Very beautiful and powerful!❤️🙏