I could not face their taunts and disapproval so twisted my head pulling back from their gaze. Longing to hide I built a spirit-filled world to protect me, while studying the mystery of who I am. Inviting my Heavenly Mother to raise and perfect me, that I might be accepted in Her Matrix of Life. Perfect me that I might better face criticism and join in the dance. Her Loving Spirit did not let me down. The time has come to snap back snug in my body; return like a hand filling a glove. Ready now – without flinching – to connect with others face-to-face, trusting Her Spirit of Wisdom is here with me, supporting me to stand tall and not twist from my body, instructing me that staying present is the safest place to be. Oh Heavenly Mother, I beseech you, gift me the words I need to teach them, to call on Your Wisdom and joyously worship life. That each one of us – your children – might be found acceptable from the deepest depths of the sea to the highest of the heights.
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Beautiful! Yes, dear Mother Mary, help us and pray for us! Fiat!
Interesting. Heavenly father to heavenly mother... I think dualism can be confusing. I'm just going to stick with Jesus or God - and trust that these are benevolent abiding within rather external forces. Thats just my opinion... And yes - I think many souls have left... Perhaps some are returning. Not sure some are ready or want to.